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S3 E5: Physical Activity: How Your Movement Could Support A Movement
Ashna and Lydia
Season 3
Episode 5
Today we discuss physical activity and the links it has to social impact. We start by discussing the intersection of yoga, yoga philosophy and social impact, as there are links there which Lydia, as a yoga teacher, has come to realise through her training. We then move to other ways in which physical activity and sports can have socially positive effects.
A couple of links to initiatives we mention in the episode:
- GoodGym - Helping the community while getting a workout
- Fight for Peace - Combines boxing and martial arts with personal development and education for kid. Teaching peaceful, fun conflict without the need for violence.
- Equality - LGBTQ+ sports leagues and clubs around the world are a demonstration of the socially-connecting and educational power of sports, for example Queer Surf Club.
- You can try a gym powered by human energy - Terra Hale in London runs the lights and speakers on pedal power - one class generates enough energy to supply a computer for a day.
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