Ep 39: We're in this together
This week, as we figure out our new 'normal', we ask ourselves whether and how sustainability can still feature in daily life. Can we ensure things continue to move in a positive direction rather than a destructive one? In what ways can we support sustainability, even at a time like this? We break it down.
We look at a few levels at which we can make a positive difference - individually, across your community and system-wide.
We also just want to check in with each other and with you guys, as most of us are in a lockdown situation right now. What are we finding difficult? What isn’t as bad as we thought?
We hope you enjoy. Lots of reasons and ways to keep onward with your sustainability journey :) Lots of love and positive vibes your way! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
P.S. Let us know what else you'd like us to cover during this time to keep you entertained and feeling good 😊😊😊😊😊