Ep 38: Gone Viral
Amidst the current crisis of COVID-19, we are dealing with new challenges we haven't really faced before. Lock-downs, washing hands for 'happy birthday x 2', stockpiling toilet paper, business uncertainties, and so on.
We don’t want this episode to be another conversation about how terrible this virus is for us, the economy, our health and wellbeing, etc. We do, however, want to have a conversation about what we can learn coming out on the other side as a society.
Sometimes it takes a crisis to precipitate change. However terrible this virus is, perhaps it will lead to some positive shifts in how society operates. For example, workers are now taking more meetings online rather than travelling. Could this lead to a longer-term shift in working culture where less travelling becomes the norm, and which is ultimately better for the environment?
We are not trying to be insensitive to those affected by the virus but, again, we want to explore how we can shift positively as a society when we are on the other side.
We hope you enjoy listening, and if you have any comments or experiences you'd like to share, please do message us at hello@podcastswitch.com or on Instagram @podcastswitch.
Most importantly, please stay safe and healthy.
Hope this episode helps boost the mood even a little.